2024 Sunday Forum Schedule

Our Sunday Forum is at 10:15 a.m. CT. in the Parish Hall.
Sunday Forum resumes on September 8th.

You may listen to presentations in person or via livestream.
You can connect anytime through the archives on our
Christian Formation channel.


Join us each week as we dive into topics that inform each of us about what it means to walk in love with Christ. The weekly format is a combination of teaching and interaction. Come prepared to learn and grow.

Informed by the work Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices by Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe, we will explore what Christianity is, wrestle with the Bible and who wrote it. We will talk about the Sacraments, Baptism, Confirmation, while looking through the lenses of Episcopal and Anglican identities. All of this pondering and prayer will culminate in welcoming the Bishop on All Saints’ Sunday, November 3!

You will not want to miss this stirring parish-wide offering, welcoming new and long-time parishioners to be reminded to be curious about questions of faith.


September 8:
The Rev. John Burruss will kick off our fall semester. A more formal schedule will be posted after the first gathering.